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Press Release AAA-Award - 24.02.2000

Vote in the AAA Awards - Now With New Categories!

For Immediate Release
Permission Granted To Redistribute Without Alteration

Contact: Martin Sahl�n -, +46-8-673 73 23 - Director, The AAA Awards

Stockholm, Sweden - Wednesday, February 23, 2000.

It's time to cast your votes in the 1999 AAA Awards! This year, we have made some changes to easen up the procedure, added a Product award - and we are now also represented in the USA! Oh, and yes, it should be 1999 - for greatest achievements during 1999.

New awards!

As a response to public opinion, we now have a new Product award category, for best Amiga or Amiga related product of the year! Currently, it is available for the International and USA awards. The Product award winners are selected by a jury, from your suggestions.
The "old" awards have been named Community, and are for greatest achievements in/for the Community during the year. The Community award winners are selected directly by all of you. The one with the most votes wins! So, no more three-nominee votings!

If you want to read more about the awards, go to

Vote now!

Voting is open for everyone until March 26th, around the clock. Cast your votes right away, so you won't forget! This is your opportunity to say thanks to that shareware programmer, the helpful company and so on.
    This year's categories
    AAA Award International
    AAA Award Spain
    AAA Award Sweden
    AAA Award United Kingdom
    AAA Award USA

Award ceremonies

The 1999 AAA Awards Winners will be presented at these locations:
    AAA Award International
    to be announced
    AAA Award Spain
    to be announced
    AAA Award Sweden
    to be announced
    AAA Award USA, April 1-2
    Amiga 2k, St. Louis, USA
Please check our homepage for up-to-date information.


The AAA Awards are organized by ACG's AAA Awards Committee in co-operation with AMIGA, Amiga-St. Louis, AmigaSOC, Amiga Users Club of Spain, Cloanto and Gateway Amiga Club.
The AAA Awards is copyright � 1997-2000 Amiga Computer Group.
The AAA Awards logo is copyright � 1997 Amiga Computer Group and Bj�rn Hagstr�m.

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